
CATIA v5 curriculum:

  • CATIA as a CAD software :- Concept of Parametric Modeling, Feature Based Modeling, User Interface,Mouse opertions, File types and Management, drawing profiles. Major user industries of Catia.
  • Sketcher: Profile toolbar, operation(corner, chamfer,relimitations, transformations,project 3D element), constriants, types of constraints, workbench.sketch tools, tools(Sketch sloving status, sketch analysis, output feature), visulization toolbar, user selection fillter.
  • Modeling of Machined component, Material Addition and Removal (Pad, Pocket, Shaft, Groove), Sketch and Positioned
    Sketch, Types of Fillets, Types of Chamfer, Types of Hole.
  • Modeling of Machined component – 2.
    Pattern (Rectangular,Circular,User ) , Thread/Tap, Datum Features (Plane, Axes, Points),Simple Draft. Frequently used commands for Machined components in Catia
  • Advance Design features :- Axis System,  Types of draft, Shell, Stiffener,rib slot, Multisection solid, Removed multisection solid, Apply Material, Measure, Render.
  • Introduction To Multibody concept:- Copy Paste, Paste special, Insert body, Boolean Operations (Add,remove,Intersect), Transformation (Translation, Mirror,Scaling, Affinity).
  • Multibody concept:- Standered example , Negative body concept (Boolean Operations)
  • Advance Features:- Parameters, Formula, Relations, Design Table.
    Introduction To Drafting & Detailing Theory:- (types Generative – Interactive),Initial Drafting setting, Sheet Background,
    Views (ortho, ISO), Dimensions (TypesGenerate Dimension & Create Dimension).
  • Views:- (Aux, Section, Details, Clipping, Broken), View properties, DATUMS & Tolerance
  • Annotations:- GD & T, Symbols, Note, Leaders, Table, Symbols (Machining, Roughness, Welding, Custom), Dress-up Toolbar.
    Surfacing Modeling based Plastic Component:- Environment, Tool bars, Surface Creation (Extrude, Revolve, Sphere, Cylinder), Surface Modification, Surface Editing ( Trim, Split, Shape Fillet, Close Surface, Thickness).
  • Surfacing:- Offset(All 3 types), Fill, Blend, Join, healing, Project-Combine. 15 Advanced Surfacing:- Adaptive Sweep, Sweep(ALL), Multisection Surface.
    Wire-frame Modeling 16
  • Wire-frame Modeling:- Point, Line, Planes, Curves, Circle-Conic, STANDARD
    Introduction to Assembly:- Types of  assembly approach, Types of Constrains and DOF, placement of components in the Assembly, Manipulating Components, BOTTOM UP Approach
  • TOP DOWN Approach:- Part, Product, Component, Space Analysis, Reuse Pattern, Save management.
    Assembly Drafting:- Scene( Exploded View), Bill of material, Ballon creation,